Sunday, September 14, 2008

grammar error----article

So far i find i still have some problems about article.
There are totally 3 articles(a,an,the). Articles are used to embellish a noun.
'A' and 'an' are called indefinite article, they are usually used to embellish a general noun. Such as, i have a book. "The" is called definite article, it is used to embellish a particular noun. Such as, the man who standing on the desk is my math tutor. Because I alsways make some mistakes about article, I find some exercises to practise. In the exercise, i get some new knowledge. For example, in the past i didn't pay much attention to the difference between a and an. I often say i have got a exercise book, however, this is wrong. The right sentence is that i have got an exercise book. Because exercise starts with a sponken vowel 'a', so we use an. In the english grammar we have five vowel phonetic symbol,'a','e','i','o','u'. Another example, i love flowers in your garden. The right sentence should be that i love the flowers in your garden. Because we have mention that the flower is 'in your garden', so we should put 'an' in front of the flowers.
ok, these are the mistakes i usually make. For more information you can find from


Wang Tianren said...

Your article is very helpful to me. Article is one of my common grammar mistakes. When I write essays, I always ingore the article. I should be more careful in the future. the exercise is good and helpful.

Yew Siong said...

Article is the most common error mistake made by chinese.In chinese languange, we do not care about the article as thr is not necessary to put article before a noun.It is totally different from English language.
The usage of the article "the" is the most difficult one.We have to memorize those nouns which should be added "the" before them.

Toh Xin Ni said...

Hi, I wrote an article anout the my grammar mistake on article as well. In your example of I love the flowers in your garden, I thought that article is not used with countable nouns in plural form? I think maybe it should be written as I love those flowers in your garden. =)

Jenny, Zhou Xuan said...

Sorry for a so late reply...
Regarding your question, I've found a page which you can refer to.
Mainly, a comma is used after a because clause instead of before it.
The URL is,7325,506141-,00.html