Thursday, August 21, 2008

the shortage of energy

After reading those two articles I find the most important issue we face is the shortage of energy. There are finite resources on the earth, and the growing population consumes them at a rate that can’t be sustained. No country can live without energy, because they have to develop to make them stronger and richer. In the 21th century, energy becomes more and more important to us. Many countries even start up a battle for energy; as everyone knows, in 2003 the United States and UK start up a battle with Iraq. The reason for them is that the Iraq government owns many mass damaged weapons and helps the terrorists, but most people know that the real reason is to control the oil of Iraq. From this battle, we can see how important the energy is.
Since the energy on earth is very finite, we can’t depend on it forever and we should develop new and environmentally friendly energy for our future. Sunshine is a very good choice, there are three main reasons. Firstly, the sun can live for a very long time. Some experts predict that the sun can live at least for billions of years. Secondly, it’s an environmentally friendly power. It won’t pollute the environment at all. Finally, the total energy of sunshine bathing the earth each hour is much more than our consumption in a year. For these three reasons I think sunshine is a very good energy. However, it’s easy to say but hard to do. How to capture the sunshine all over the world and convert it into useful forms are very challenging tasks for the engineers. Our engineers should study it further to solve those problems.
In conclusion, our earth has finite resources, how can we develop longer and harmoniously? we should study new energy, what I prefer is the sunshine.

1 comment:

Feng Yiping said...

hello, i am feng yiping. The organisation of your essay is very clear, including the introduction, body paragraph and conclusion. The lack of energy has indeed become one big problem to us, as just you say, we should study new energy to develop for our future. i like your essay, hoep you will do well in the future. haha...