Sunday, September 28, 2008

people resist new technology

The main reason people resist new technology is that they are afraid of potential damage that the new technology may cause. People usually do things the way they have become accustomed to, because they think this is a safe way. The same attitude applies to technology. People prefer existing technology because they can be sure that it is not harmful. However, people are uncertain about new technology because they do not know what risks might be involved. For example, in 1945, two nuclear bombs exploded in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. More than 20,000 people died in that incident. Today, nuclear technology is widely used to produce power and make weapons. Nuclear radiation is very harmful because people easily get cancer if they are radiated by nuclear radiation. So when we talk about the damage that the nuclear weapons made, we still feel a little afraid of it. In conclusion, people often resist new technology because they worry about the damage that the new technology may cause.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

grammar error----article

So far i find i still have some problems about article.
There are totally 3 articles(a,an,the). Articles are used to embellish a noun.
'A' and 'an' are called indefinite article, they are usually used to embellish a general noun. Such as, i have a book. "The" is called definite article, it is used to embellish a particular noun. Such as, the man who standing on the desk is my math tutor. Because I alsways make some mistakes about article, I find some exercises to practise. In the exercise, i get some new knowledge. For example, in the past i didn't pay much attention to the difference between a and an. I often say i have got a exercise book, however, this is wrong. The right sentence is that i have got an exercise book. Because exercise starts with a sponken vowel 'a', so we use an. In the english grammar we have five vowel phonetic symbol,'a','e','i','o','u'. Another example, i love flowers in your garden. The right sentence should be that i love the flowers in your garden. Because we have mention that the flower is 'in your garden', so we should put 'an' in front of the flowers.
ok, these are the mistakes i usually make. For more information you can find from